Local business, local prices

If your poultry requirements are not addressed on this page, please feel free to contact us to discuss your individual needs.


Prices current as at 01/07/23

Breed 1 week old Up To Pullets Adult
Buff Orpington
$20 $30 $40
Goldlaced Wyandotte $20 $30 $40
Silverlaced Wyandotte $20 $30 $40
Black Australorp $20 $30 $40
Light Sussex $20 $30 $40
Speckled Sussex $20 $30 $40
Platinum Sussex $20 $30 $40
Dorking $20 $30 $40
Vorwerk $20 $30 $40
Croad Langshan $25 $40 $50
$20 $30 $40
Belgian D’Uccle
$20 $30 $40
Plymouth Rock $20 $30 $40
Rhode Island Red $20 $30 $40
Cayuga $20 $30 $40
Magpie Ducks $20 $30 $40

Roosters are available at most times and price will be dependent on breed and quality.